Press release
27 Sep 2024  | Zurich, CH

EY and Confare recognize the best IT managers in Switzerland

  • Daniel Fiechter, CIO at STOBAG, wins the Confare Swiss CIO Award 2024.
  • Recognized as Top CIOs of the year are: Harald Rotter, CIO of the University of St. Gallen, Lukas Ackermann, Head of IT & Digital Services at Galenica, and Sven Friedli, CIO of the Bell Food Group.

Zurich, 27 September 2024 – On 25 September 2024, Confare Managing Director Barbara Klinka-Ghezzo, Confare Managing Director Michael Ghezzo, and Jan Leitermann, Jury Chairman and Head of Technology Consulting Switzerland at EY in Switzerland, presented the awards. Daniel Fiechter, CIO at STOBAG, has been named the best IT manager of the year 2024. "The challenges of the future will not be able to be mastered without digital technologies, and companies must competently position themselves in this respect. Outstanding IT managers like Daniel Fiechter will play a crucial role here. We would like to honor that," says Jan Leitermann. "Daniel Fiechter, with his team at STOBAG, not only designs a seamless customer journey, creating value for all stakeholders, but also opens up new revenue sources with digital services, thus also generating sales through IT. These holistic approaches helped him win the Confare Swiss CIO Award 2024," the jury is quoted as saying.

Other winners who received the title of Top CIO of the year include: Harald Rotter, CIO of the University of St. Gallen, Lukas Ackermann, Head of IT & Digital Services at Galenica, and Sven Friedli, CIO of the Bell Food Group. Leitermann says, "We received many excellent applications for this year's Confare Swiss CIO Award. Through initiatives like this, we can make the relevance and value of new technologies visible to a broad public, thus greatly assisting CIOs on their path and appreciating their achievements."

About the Award

The Confare Swiss CIO Award is awarded annually by Confare and EY Switzerland in close cooperation. It honors the best Swiss IT managers of the year with the Confare Swiss CIO Award. The winners are selected by a jury led by Jan Leitermann, Head of Technology Consulting Switzerland at EY in Switzerland. The other jury members who have chosen this year's Swiss winners are Stella Gatziu Grivas (Professor at the Institute for Business Information Technology of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland), Christian Russ (Lecturer and Program Director at the School of Management and Law – Institute for Business Information Technology of the ZHAW), Reinhard Riedl (Co-founder and Board Member, AG) and Alec Joannou (Global CIO of ABB), as well as the winner of the Confare Swiss CIO Award 2023 Markus Köpfli (Head Digital Business Services and Group CIO of Mettler-Toledo).

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The global EY organization refers to all member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited (EYG). Each EYG member firm is a separate legal entity and has no liability for another such entity’s acts or omissions. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via For more information about our organization, please visit

EY’s organization is represented in Switzerland by Ernst & Young Ltd, Basel, with 10 offices across Switzerland, and in Liechtenstein by Ernst & Young AG, Vaduz. In this publication, “EY” and “we” refer to Ernst & Young Ltd, Basel, a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited.

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