EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Limited is a Swiss company with registered seats in Switzerland providing services to clients in Switzerland.
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With decades of experience helping companies go public, our IPO readiness assessment team can help you get ready for the big day — and beyond. Learn how.
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The US market grew, with 183 IPOs and USD 32.7 billion raised, while Europe saw a slight decrease in the number transactions but a 41% increase in volume to USD 19.1 billion. China experienced the largest decline, with the number of IPOs dropping to 170 and the volume decreasing by 65% to USD 19.8 billion. Technology and advanced manufacturing sectors dominated the IPO landscape.
Private equity and venture capital-backed IPOs accounted for 12% of all IPOs and 46% of the placement volume. Positive signs for 2025 include a “Santa Claus rally” and low volatility, with potential boosts from US deregulation and AI adoption, though trade tariffs could pose challenges.