Digital Solution Store | EY Cybersecurity Program Assessment

Knowing your cyber posture is the foundational step towards positioning your cybersecurity program as an enabler to business.
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Product description

The Cybersecurity Program Assessment is how organizations can determine if their cyber posture is set up to meet evolving cyberthreats and inform future investments.

A look inside the cybersecurity program assessment solution

Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers
Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers
Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers

Executive summary with maturity rating overview

Benchmark table of maturity ratings over several years and industry average

Spider graph with current maturity, target maturity and benchmark maturity for the assessed domains

EY’s Cyber Program Acceleration toolkit and platform is a great tool-based instrument to perform our Cybersecurity Program Assessments globally consistently, holistically, comprehensively, and very effectively and efficiently. With the global tool-based approach and methodology we can provide very insightful benchmarking data to our clients so that they even better understand their cybersecurity posture not only compared to the most relevant industry standards and frameworks but also in comparison to other companies in the same sector or across sectors.

Summary of your advantages

Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers


Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers
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