Digital Solution Store

You provide the challenge — we’ll provide the solution. We help you navigate the complex waters of technical transformation with sophisticated solutions designed, developed and delivered by seasoned EY experts. Whatever digital quandaries you face, we’ll find an approach tailored to your needs. Explore the products on offer in our Digital Solution Store below. The future is at your fingertips.

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EY Solution Store

Our digital solutions ensure better compliance and risk management and increase your speed to market by cutting admin hours by up to 50% — so your team can spend less time pushing paper and more time on real added value. 

From Tax & Finance to Risk & IT Security and Innovation & Sustainability, find tailored support from EY below.

Tax & Finance

As digital adoption accelerates, will you do less or be more?

Your added value for a digital finance and tax function.         

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Risk & IT Security

How can technology help you transform your working world?

Successfully master business risks with best-in-class risk management and IT security solutions.

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Innovation & Sustainability

How can technology at speed create competitive advantage?

Be innovative: concepts for more efficient collaboration and sustainability.

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Is your digital strategy built on human and machine, or human with machine?

Our solutions at a glance for the digital transformation of your company.

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Startup Solution Store

Our cost-effective and targeted services for startups and scale-ups, providing practical advice to help you grow and succeed.

Man at the Beach for Surfing

A sharper view of Managed Services 

Our one minute Eyesight check is the first step in enhancing your business focus and detecting the key challenges. By answering brief questions, you will know which topics deserve a closer look, and discover useful solutions.

EY managed services tool

Can you see through Different Eyes?

Together, we see clearer and further: With our Different Eyes initiative, we gain valuable insights by looking at the relevant trends and topics from various angles driven by focus, empathy, and diversity.

Man at the Beach for Surfing

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