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Reflections on 2024

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“The only constant in life is change.” This famous quote by Heraclitus is more true now than ever. This year, EY set the course for the future. On July 1, our newly appointed Global Chair and CEO Janet Truncale presented new global “All in” strategy. One of our key ambitions is to provide incremental solutions to our clients in three fields: Transformation with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Technology, Managed Services and Sustainability. To this end, we are making targeted investments both at a global scale and in Switzerland to further develop our practice in these fields.

Our strategy is accompanied by a new brand promise. Under the tagline “Shape the future with confidence”, we are putting confidence at the heart of our client relationships. By supporting our clients in these uncertain, volatile and challenging times, we can positively help to shape the future.

What does a rapidly changing world mean for society?

Whether it be technological changes, climate change or geopolitical crises, they all concern us directly. How are the markets performing? What are the regulators doing and, as a business, what is the most appropriate and best way to act? We are working together with our clients to address these challenges. We have every confidence that we will jointly be able to achieve sustainable growth, often through a technology-based transformation. AI will become increasingly relevant.

In 2024, we helped our clients to integrate new technologies like generative AI. Equally important is security. Many companies will continue to increase their focus on topics like the EU AI Act and cybersecurity in everyday work in 2025.

Education and social responsibility are vital

Responsibility and trust are essential values for EY. On sustainability, we have again been awarded the EcoVadis gold medal. From a societal perspective, we are dealing with a shortage of skilled talent and an aging society. We are therefore investing heavily in educating and training our talent. This year alone, EY Switzerland has invested more than 218,000 hours in training of our Partners and talent.

In addition, we have further expanded our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) activities to further promote diversity and equality of opportunity. Also, at 27%, the proportion of women on the Executive Board is above the Swiss average. This is a step in the right direction, but we are striving to increase the proportion further. We can only be successful with a strong and diverse team.

Let us tackle 2025, together!

The coming year will undoubtedly present many challenges, but also promising opportunities. We must take advantage of these opportunities, together.

I would like to thank our Partners, talent and clients for a successful and collaborative 2024. Together, we can look ahead to the new year with confidence.

I wish you happy holidays and a good start to the New Year!

Stefan Rösch-Rütsche

Country Managing Partner | EY Switzerland

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