CPE credit is offered for live webcasts only (archive and podcast viewing are not eligible). To be eligible for CPE credit, you must meet all of the minimum eligibility criteria.
Webcasts awards CPE credit in increments of 0, 1, 1.5 or 2 (i.e., an accumulated viewing time of less than 50 minutes will qualify for 0 CPE credits, rather than 0.5 credit).
Important: Your “accumulated viewing time” must occur during the live webcast. Please take into account the minute or so that it may take you to log into the webcast. Time prior to the start of the webcast (i.e., while the countdown clock is running) or after the end of the webcast (e.g., while completing the feedback form) does not qualify.
Webcasts use two types of polls to track participation. The polls are question and response options that appear during the webcast every 12 to 14 minutes. Pop-up blockers must be disabled for the polls to function properly. Please read the eligibility requirements above for the number of poll questions to which you must respond to qualify for CPE credit.
- Content polls - The webcast moderator will ask a question related to the webcast discussion. Please select an option to respond.
- CPE verification polls - These questions are not announced by the moderator. Please select Yes or No to respond.