Regardless of the assistance program you choose, it’s essential that you keep evidence of your work. This should not be simply an accounting exercise, but rather consist of contemporaneous documentation demonstrating the work performed, the rationale for your decisions and the results obtained.
Since an IRAP grant usually reduces the amount of expenditures eligible for the SR&ED credit, it’s important that the calculation be based on solid data such as complete and accurate timesheets.
Do you really have to choose? While the same dollar amount of eligible expenditures cannot be subsidized twice, the IRAP grant and the SR&ED tax credit are complementary. If you’re using the federal proxy method to calculate the indirect costs related to your qualified SR&ED expenditures, you can include the hours already subsidized by the IRAP grant.
Be careful though! Eligibility for one program does not necessarily ensure eligibility for the other. Despite their similarities, these two programs are managed by two entirely different organizations. They do not always operate in the same way.