EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Benefits of Microsoft Learn
The leaders were also quick to point out that the Microsoft Cloud Challenge was successful because of the Microsoft Learn platform itself. They agreed that one critical component of effective education was that it was flexible around the needs of the team. “Everybody has very busy schedules, so being able to carve out a whole week in a classroom was often not possible,” Luquire says. Microsoft Learn and the Cloud Challenge gave staff the flexibility they needed to learn on their own schedules, wherever they were, without the need for a long commitment or arduous travel.
In addition to flexibility and motivation, Microsoft Learn and the program also provided a complete skilling solution. “When you do something like a video, you need to practice outside, link back to something else, measure from another place and then link that to a path. It’s a bit cumbersome,” Cebro says. “I like the concept of end-to-end capabilities with all the tooling inside, where we can see who is doing what and how the game is going.” For Cebro and team, this meant that they could finally scale their skilling efforts effectively.
Transformation of learning
With the help of Microsoft Learn and the Cloud Skills Challenge, decision-makers, such as Luquire and Cebro, were able to continue upskilling. Ultimately, it will allow us to bring the best technology skills and expertise to our clients.
“Doing the Cloud Skills Challenge was important to up our game,” Luquire concludes. “There is always pressure to deliver world-class solutions in industry-leading ways. We are continually going on a transformation journey, and we needed to invest in learning and invest in our people.”