Best Employer Survey in Ukraine

Become the Best Employer: EY's annual Best Employer Survey in Ukraine will help you better understand your candidates and improve your employer branding and employer value proposition (EVP)


Results of the EY Best Employer Survey in Ukraine

You will get answers to the following questions

  • How is your company perceived compared to others on the labor market
  • How has the perception of your company as an employer changed in recent years
  • What companies are your competitors for the talents
  • What makes your company attractive to external candidates
  • What sources of information are used by external candidates to get information about your company as an employer
  • How to increase the effectiveness of your communications on the market

Why it is so important

Comprehensive work on employer brand contributes to:

  • improving the company's image on the labor market
  • optimizing time and resources for finding right candidates
  • retaining key talent in the company

It can be useful for

  • HR, Marketing, PR, Corporate Communications specialists
  • Specialists in other functions who are engaged in employer branding, recruiting and employee motivation

Why EY

  • We have been conducting EY Best Employer Survey in Ukraine since 2005 (have well-established processes of data collection and analysis, as well as a broad data for tracking labour market trends in dynamics)
  • We offer a comprehensive professional support and tools for building effective employer brand and employer value proposition (EVP)

Stay informed

Find out more about our latest EY Best Employer Survey results

Find our about our services on comprehensive Employer Value Proposition (EVP) analysis and design

Employer value proposition (EVP) - is a set of tangible and intangible benefits that the company offers its employees for their contribution to the company's growth. EVP is a source of company's competitive advantage in the labor market.

Employer brand is a comprehensive perception and awareness of the candidates and employees about the company and its value proposition.

Contact us

                                                              Сonnect with our professionals who will guide you forward.

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