
EY advises on financial, procurement, strategic and public-private partnership issues for large-scale infrastructure projects and programs.

Estimates show that 75% of the infrastructure that will be in place in 2050 does not exist today. This is why it is important to get your infrastructure strategy put together and implemented as soon as possible.

Infrastructure investment and sustainable development are top priorities for governments globally. Rapid urbanization and population growth are putting pressure on emerging markets to develop critical new infrastructure, while aging assets and continued underinvestment mean developed economies need to expand their existing focus on infrastructure.

Meanwhile, smart cities are emerging as an investment need, with the interface between urban growth, technology, infrastructure and capital requirements presenting a unique set of opportunities and challenges.

Our infrastructure team supports infrastructure programs from end to end with an integrated approach to help owners, investors and operators deliver value by advising clients on financial, procurement, strategic and public-private partnerships.

Our experience in Ukraine

Public transport

Assessment of procurements for the municipal public transport companies in Kyiv, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Dnipro, Kherson, Mariupol, Mykolaiv.

Ameliorative infrastructure

Legal, commercial support and pilot launch of Water User Organizations in selected regions.


Development of airport fund solutions, Sector strategy and studies development for regional airports​.


Studies for rapid deployment of Affordable Housing Projects in the post-war reconstruction.


Solutions development for investments attraction in road upgrade, maintenance and operation for National Roads Program.

Healthcare infrastructure

Support on concept development of the health public-private partnerships, studies for establishment of children’s medical rehabilitation center, legal/regulative framework development.

Energy infrastructure

Legal, financial and technical support to the city of Kyiv on district heating project for assessment and renovation.

Contact our infrastructure projects and programs consultants today
Get in touch and we'll be happy to help.