Compliance and audit services of EU funds

The EY Centre of Excellence centralizes the experience and knowledge of auditing in an EU context to provide a consistent and harmonized service to the EU institutions.

What EY can do for you

The EY Centre of Excellence (CoE) for the audit of EU funds, based in Brussels, is comprised of more than 40 auditors from across Europe, who are seasoned in public sector audit and dedicated to the audit of public funding, especially the EU institutions. EY teams have extensive experience in EU funding programs, including development, humanitarian aid, research and innovation, education and structural funds.

In addition, the EY CoE relies on the local knowledge of EY member firms around the world, and the latest technologies to produce detailed and high-quality audits. EY compliance and audit services enable greater transparency, accountability and value for money in the use of public resources.

EY services include:

  • Financial audits on behalf of European institutions to offer assurance on the legality, regularity and eligibility of expenditures incurred by beneficiaries of EU-funded actions
  • Systems audits to review internal control systems for managing EU funds
  • First-level controls / audit certificates to certify expenses incurred during EU-funded projects before they are reported to the European Commission
  • Verification missions of UN-managed actions to review the design and operating effectiveness of internal control systems of UN entities
  • Pillar assessments / Institutional compliance assessments to evaluate the internal control of organizations cooperating with the European Commission under indirect management mode
  • Performance audit / value-for-money assessment to ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public resources
  • Ex-ante assessment for non-governmental organizations wanting to enter into a partnership agreement with the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
  • Fraud examinations and forensic assignments to assess and improve the anti-fraud policies of institutions and governments, and organisations receiving EU funds

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