The tax environment is in a time of extensive change, creating risks for all companies with cross-border operations. Managing risk requires deep technical experience and a strong global presence.

Dr. Claire Acard

EY Global International Tax and Transaction Tax Services (ITTS) Quality Leader, France Tax Quality Leader, Avocat Associée and Attorney at law

Experienced Tax Leader with a detailed approach to challenging cases.

Claire specializes in international taxation and supporting her clients with their development strategies and their redeployments both in  France and abroad.

She assists groups with tax treatment for complex, financial and corporate transactions, and with operational reorganizations. Further, Claire advises clients on best practices for tax risk management using insights from her in-depth experience of advisory and controversy matters. She also has extensive experience in managing and successfully resolving significant tax disputes with the French tax authorities.

Claire is the Global Quality Leader for International Tax and Transaction Services and the Quality and Risk Management Leader for the French law firm.

Claire graduated from HEC in International Legal and Tax Strategy then earned an LLM in International Tax Law at the University of Paris XI – Sceaux and a PhD at Paris Dauphine University.

How Claire is building a better working world

“In my daily work I focus on delivering exceptional quality and innovative client service in the field of taxation. I oversee every detail, large or small, in order to craft personalized solutions for each case, while integrating the solutions into a holistic, meaningful approach that takes all relevant aspects into account.”

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