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At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets.
As insurers implement IFRS 17, a wealth of data is emerging. However, many insurers are questioning what it all means and how they can leverage or draw insights from the new information now available.
How was the journey? Reflections on How Australian and New Zealand insurers are approaching IFRS 17 and what insights can be drawn from reported results and methodologies.
Opportunities to leverage IFRS 17 data and insights to assess performance and drive impactful business decisions.
External perspectives on the new standard, including comparability across local insurers and to global peers.
Graham Duff, General Manager, Finance at MLC Life Insurance
Siddharth Parameswaran, Executive Director, Senior Insurance and Diversified Financials Research Analyst at JP Morgan
Phillip Halverson, Partner Actuarial, EY Australia