EY refers to the global organisation, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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With a new playing field in front of all of us, we must remain single-minded in the pursuit of our goals while adjusting our day-to-day routines. Setting clear goals, establishing a routine and surrounding ourselves with a supportive coaching team will help to build healthy habits for success.
“It all starts with your mind and perspective; reframing the situation as an opportunity to make gains rather than a loss. You also need to identify motivators; give yourself goals, practice visualization and incentivize yourself with rewards. And lastly, you need to look at how you can keep the momentum going week to week; structure will give you clear direction — challenge yourself with your friends, stay connected, celebrate the small successes and find ways to make training enjoyable.” — Jess Morrison, Australian rower.
It has never been more important for athletes to identify and demonstrate their purpose. They have a unique opportunity to take the time to refocus on their priorities, recognize what drives them and foster an environment to inspire others. People are looking to each other right now for motivation, to provide a sense of comfort and even for new workout tips.
“The current quarantine and social distancing situation reminds me in many ways of the time I spent on the road while competing on the international ski jumping circuit. I learned some important lessons which not only got me through my isolated time on the road but allowed me to continuously improve and find purpose in every action every day. Being deliberate is a very important lesson I took away from this time. Prior to starting a new activity, I would set time aside to understand the objective behind it. It was important that I didn’t let the stress of competition seep into these times I had blocked for nourishment, recovery and improvement.
“In my current role at the EY organization, I value the importance of these lessons. Take time to take care of yourself. Through proper nourishment, time to mentally and physically recover from the external stressors and finding time to connect with people is important, especially during this time.” — Eric Mitchell, Canadian ski jumper.