Even when the situation is difficult, what is truly important does not change. I try to always value what is essential and live my life with purpose and conviction.

Tomoyasu Tanaka

EY Japan Healthcare Sector Leader

Fascinated by the late Edo period (mid 19th Century Japan). What choices to make if alive then?

Tomoyasu Tanaka is the EY Japan Health Care Sector Leader.

He drives business development in the new assurance market for public and non-profit organizations – including incorporated administrative agencies, national university corporations, local independent administrative agencies, social welfare corporations, medical corporations and agricultural co-operatives – in connection with government regulatory reforms. With more than 20 years experience in the firm, he has helped EY to acquire a leading share of this market. He sits on related committees and has authored numerous reports on these topics.

He is a Certified Public Accountant in Japan.

Building a better working world

"Japan has built and administered a world-class medical system with universal health insurance, free access and other progressive features. However, various problems have arisen in recent years, primarily related to population, which are expected to come to a head in 2025. Medical costs are rising due to an aging population and the low birthrate; there are shortages of doctors, nursing care staff and other medical personnel; and hospitals and nursing care facilities are unevenly distributed.

It’s a transition period for the system, which means it’s time to improve operational effectiveness by utilizing medical data (in the form of data health plans) and to promote international development of Japan-style medicine (‘outbound medicine’) under the Japan government’s Revitalization Strategy.

Now, and in the future, I will continue to value human relationships and work to make even a small contribution to a better working world so that future generaltions continue to receive good medical care with complete peace of mind."

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