In order to give the best advice to clients, I try to understand management strategy, analyzing daily trends and having a dialogue with management. I always strive to be a trustworthy advisor.

Takayuki Ooka

EY Japan Health and Life Sciences Strategy and Transactions Leader; Partner, Valuation, Modeling and Economics, Strategy and Transactions, EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd.

M&A advisor. Never happier than watching sports or relaxing at the onsen [Japanese hot springs].

Takayuki Ooka joined EY Japan in 2001 from a major financial institution, transferring to the Strategy and Transactions when it was established in 2005.

As a partner in the Valuation, Modeling & Economics team, he is in charge of valuation for M&A, as well as PPA and other intangible assets. He also assists execution in growth strategies for pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies as SaT Leader of the Life Sciences Sector.

Building a better working world

“When companies execute M&A, it is now standard practice to distribute the acquisition cost based on an accounting standard for business combination (PPA). However, when the standard was initially implemented, it was an uncommon practice and many M&A and accounting officers consulted me on this subject.

As I have long been involved in standards implementation, I have given a large number of seminars organized by accounting standard setting organizations, media entities and universities, as well as leading study sessions for companies. By improving the standards for value evaluation in financial reporting by Japanese companies, I hope to build a better working world."

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