As a professional in consulting services, my top priority is building trust with my clients and team members.

Manabu Shinohara

EY Japan Strategy and Transformation Leader; EY-Parthenon Strategy Leader

A leader in strategy advisory services that cover everything from value-increasing strategies to the use of external resources (M&A, etc.).

Manabu is Strategy and Transformation Leader and EY-Parthenon Strategy Leader at EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd.

In his almost 20 years at a consulting organization, Manabu was involved in every area of strategy advisory services, from creating strategies for improving the value of clients’ companies to making use of external resources through measures such as M&A. He was instrumental in the success of many projects, with particular experience in working for major corporations in Japan. He led seasoned teams in these areas for over 10 years, growing them into one of Japan’s largest bases of strategy professionals.

After joining EY, he recognized that the firm’s services needed to evolve and is now collaborating with professionals and companies both within and outside the EY organization to develop the consulting services that are needed today.

How Manabu is building a better working world

“I make it my duty to engage sincerely with clients and earn their trust as a consultant. Many Japanese companies find it challenging to change from the inside. A commitment to improving my capabilities to be a consultant who can lead that change for my clients has driven my efforts. Everything I do is rooted in my belief that every change and evolution by my clients is a step toward a better working world.”

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