Regrets will never change the past. Worries will never let you see what the future holds. What matters is giving it all in the here and now.

Kenji Ueda

EY Japan Business Tax Services Leader

A model professional during the week, a committed father on the weekend

As EY Japan Business Tax Services Leader at Ernst & Young Tax Co., Kenji Ueda leads the provision of tax advisory and private client services.

Kenji provided legal auditing and IPO support services at the firm that preceded Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC. After moving to Ernst & Young Tax Co., he became deeply involved in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate restructuring, stock valuation, succession planning and business reconstruction while supporting group company tax compliance and advising on the introduction of consolidated taxes.

Kenji worked in Singapore between 2015 and 2017, providing tax advice to Japanese businesses and working at the Japan tax desk.
His notable publications include Practical Guidance on Group Company Taxes and the Consolidated Tax Regime, Case Studies on Business Reconstruction for Inns, Hotels and Golf Courses (both published by Chuokeizai-sha) and A Q&A on Accounting, Tax and Legal Affairs Regarding Treasury Stock (Seibunsha).

A graduate of Keio University’s Faculty of Economics, Kenji is a Japan Certified Public Accountant and Japan Certified Public Tax Accountant.

Building a better working world

Tetsuzo Ota, the founder of the auditing firm that preceded Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC., said that our mission is to maintain the essence of accounting services and contribute to the eternal prosperity of the Japanese economy by ensuring sound corporate finances. These words had a profound impact on me at the start of my career at EY.

As an accounting and tax professional, I have contributed to society through client satisfaction ever since. Society and our industry are entering a period of significant change. While I provide tax services rather than accounting services, I aim to build a better working world by ensuring the satisfaction of a wide range of clients.

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