Our teams solve social and environmental issues in emerging markets and in Japan. We are aiming for sustainable development goals.

Kenji Sawami

EY Japan Assurance Partner, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC and EY CCaSS Japan Global Public Team Leader

Sustainability development leader. Passionate about achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Focused on the new generation of the new world. Supporting people with disabilities. Runner.

Kenji is the EY Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CcaSS) Japan Global Public Team Leader. He helps develop sustainable businesses and connects the public sector with private companies, especially on environmental and emerging countries issues.

As a Japanese government official in charge of sustainability management, he played a key role in legalizing environmental reporting in Japan as well as introducing environmental finance policy. He was a member of the United Nations Division of Sustainable Development.

During his time with EY, he has led sustainability strategy advisory, environment, society and governance disclosure and assurance and global public service.

Kenji holds a BA in Economics.

How Kenji is building a better working world

“I focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The international ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ adopted by the United Nations in 2015 consists of 17 goals and 169 targets to realize a sustainable world. In order to achieve SDGs, it is necessary for both the government and the private enterprise to play a role, and I support them both with Climate Change and Sustainability Services.”

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