Every day, I am motivated to help society reach new and greater heights.

Kenji Izawa

EY Japan Government & Infrastructure Market Segment Leader Partner, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC.

Finding solutions to the myriad challenges facing society. Improving my game play in shogi (Japanese chess). Hiking in nature.

Kenji Izawa is the Government and Infrastructure Market Segment Leader at EY Japan. His responsibilities include guiding EY member firms in the provision of cutting-edge services to the Japanese public sector.

He joined Ota Showa Audit Corporation, a predecessor of EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC in 1997, after working previously at a major electronics manufacturer. He was promoted to partner in 2011 and his primary focus in the last 20 years has been public sector accounting and auditing services.

He served from 2007 to 2017 as a technical advisor and board member of the International Public Accounting Standards Council (IPSASB) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

He is also active in academia and serves as a board member of several public sector associations.

Building a better working world

”As an extension of my role at EY, I have participated in defining international standards which have streamlined processes in the public sector, both in Japan and internationally.

In today’s world, the boundaries between private and public sectors have disappeared, allowing us to provide citizens with more valuable and effective services. I hope to serve as a facilitator who connects and leverages EY’s knowledge across multiple sectors to accomplish our goal of building a better society.”

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