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The strength of the sector contrasts with that of many other industries: 62% of the 250 life sciences CEOs in the survey say the pandemic has fundamentally reshaped the industry for the better or had no impact on the industry. That compares with 27% for all industries in the survey.
The life sciences industry has developed novel treatments and tools to fight the pandemic. Revenue from these products, such as vaccines and diagnostic kits, helped life sciences companies build up capital: M&A firepower — defined as the capacity to conduct acquisitions based on the strength of the balance sheet — in the biopharma industry reached nearly US$1.2 trillion in 2021 for the first time in seven years.
Still, the pandemic has disrupted all aspects of business across the value chain, including drug discovery and development, operations, supply chain and commercialization.
Life sciences companies can use strong balance sheets not only to address key strategic issues through acquisitions and alliances, but also to make internal investments to overhaul key functions and strengthen the long-term value they can provide to all stakeholders.