96th EUROCONSTRUCT Conference

European construction market and macroeconomics projections forecast to 2026. Examination of the key issues relating to progress on the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), Digital Technologies and Innovation across Europe.

EY Ireland, as the Irish member of EUROCONSTRUCT, was delighted to host the 96th EUROCONSTRUCT conference on 1 December in our Dublin offices.

The conference presented the latest medium-term macroeconomics and construction market outturn for 2022, an estimate for 2023 and projections for 2024 and 2025, together with the first set of projections for 2026.

The special theme of the conference was the examination of key issues relating to progress on the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and digital technologies and innovation across Europe. We had excellent guest speakers, Mark Farmer (Cast Consultancy) and Lars Christian Fredenlund (Cobuilder), who offered excellent insight into this very relevant topic. Our panel discussion also delved into how to build a successful MMC industry, and comprised of Sarah-Jane Pisciotti (SISK), Helena Lidelöw (Volumetric Building Companies), John Hunt (Enterprise Ireland) and Paul Tierney (MMC Ireland).

The EUROCONSTRUCT Reports are detailed and comprehensive European construct market trends and forecasts.

  • The Summary Report provides short-term construction market forecasts for the main market segments (housing, non-residential buildings, infrastructure and civil engineering, all sub-sectors with a breakdown for new work and renovation/modernisation activities). These are summarised for the nineteen member countries of EUROCONSTRUCT.
  • The All Country Report provides detailed individual reports and economic and construction forecasts for the main market segments (as in the summary report) for each of the 19 EUROCONSTRUCT countries.

The 96th EUROCONSTRUCT Reports are now available for purchase, with forecasts out to 2026. If you wish to purchase the reports, please reach out to Annette Hughes (Annette.Hughes@ie.ey.com) or Amy Mulligan (Amy.Mulligan.ie.ey.com).


Registration for EUROCONSTRUCT has now closed.

EY Euroconstruct Conference

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