What EY can do for you
Transforming the customer experience
Improving customer experience is the number-one strategic priority for technology, media and entertainment, and telecommunications (TMT) leaders, but rising expectations, rapidly changing technologies and market disruption make it difficult to achieve.
Our approach helps TMT companies meet this challenge head on with a digitally integrated customer experience (DICE).
What does DICE do?
DICE harnesses different disciplines — from user research and business model design to analytics, rapid prototyping and technology architecture — to deliver an integrated offering, helping you respond rapidly and consistently across all touch points to deliver continuous, compelling experiences for customers.
The value of our work in the TMT sector area has been recognised at the Management Consultancies Association (MCA) Awards for two years running. We were highly commended in 2016 and were the winners in 2017 in the “customer engagement” category.
How does DICE work?
Our digital customer experience teams and professionals from across EY draw on our knowledge of designing and delivering highly successful customer engagement programs.
We usually begin the process with a workshop at one of our immersive digital innovation spaces called EY wavespaceTM. Beyond that, DICE is a carefully structured journey that can be adapted to your individual needs. The destination is a transformation in customer experience that will not only deliver immediate benefits, but also will give you the flexibility to adapt and innovate into the future.