Forensic data analytics

Whether facing acts of fraud, governmental or regulatory inquiries, breach-of-contract claims or litigations, organizations rely on EY Forensic Data Analytics (FDA) teams for assistance.

What EY can do for you

EY teams bring together extensive industry experience with data science and analytics capabilities to help businesses detect and investigate instances of data breach, fraud, waste, misuse, abuse, corruption, noncompliance and cybercrime, as well as to assist in regulatory or litigation responses. EY professionals apply machine learning, natural language processing and robotic process automation, and have deep domain knowledge.

EY teams use analytics to help organizations identify gaps in their internal controls, increase risk transparency and improve decision-makers’ understanding of business risks. By lowering the probability and severity of losses, EY clients can reduce the cost of compliance. They can also gain operational efficiencies by applying insights from their compliance efforts to the broader risk and business initiatives.

The EY suite of Forensic Data Analytics offerings provides organizations with the factual evidence they need to make actionable legal and compliance decisions, focus investigative efforts where they matter most and improve outcomes.

“EY collaborates across business lines to develop sector- and domain-specific skills and talent, platforms and solutions ...  EY works with an ecosystem of external organizations, governments and other standard setters to accelerate the adoption of AI"

For more information and a copy of the report excerpt, read more.

  • Responding to litigation and regulatory inquiries

    With the growing sizes of data sets uncovered during litigation and regulatory response, EY teams support legal counsel and compliance executives by analyzing different data sources to uncover links, patterns and anomalies, and by presenting findings in a usable form as evidence in legal proceedings. Leveraging  years of experience in working alongside regulators, law enforcement and litigants, the teams bring strategic thinking in helping organizations formulate their legal and regulatory responses. EY professionals work with in-house and outside counsel, as well as other stakeholders, to identify, collect, preserve and analyze relevant data, lightening the organization’s operational burden of trying to perform these labor-intensive projects internally.

    Services include:

    • Digital forensics and investigation
    • Remediation and claims management
    • Legal department modernization

    Download the EY forensic data analytics for legal and compliance response (pdf) brochure for more details.

  • Managing data integrity

    The use of data and technology presents a range of risks that can cause significant disruption to a business. Compounding the problem is the fact that data protection and privacy regulations are intensifying around the world. Privacy and security are also converging, with the common goal of protecting private information. Besides privacy and security, the use of AI and analytics can bring other legal and compliance concerns. EY teams perform document and contract reviews, fact-finding interviews, digital forensics, forensic data analytics and other analyses to identify various scenarios of data protection and compliance violations. Their investigations and inquiries focus on a wide range of potential triggers, such as data removal, data transmission, encryption, third-party misuse, AI and analytics.

    Services include:

    • Digital forensics and investigation
    • AI and data analytics review
    • Data mapping and governance
    • Vendor data due diligence
    • Data privacy and compliance
    • Data recovery

    Download our brochures for more details:

  • Managing legal and compliance risks

    EY teams use analytics to help organizations effectively identify, prevent and remediate legal and compliance risks by identifying gaps in their internal controls, increasing risk transparency and improving decision-makers’ understanding of business risks. Whether applying behavioral science to identify red flags outside of the security baseline, implementing monitoring programs to detect noncompliance or performing remediation analysis, the teams work with organizations to lower the probability and severity of losses from noncompliance. In addition, they help organizations gain operational efficiency by applying insights from compliance efforts to broader risk and business initiatives.

    Services include:

    • Managing employee conduct risk
    • Exam management
    • Digital contract review
    • Loss prevention

    Download our brochures for more details:

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EY Virtual

The next generation forensic data analytics platform integrating human and machine intelligence. 

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