How to manage emerging views on risk and control in transfer pricing

In this webcast, panelists discuss the interpretation and application of the guidance in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Transfer Pricing Guidelines on risk and control.

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Please join us for the next session of “Cross-border controversy: searching for certainty and routes to resolution.” This EY webcast series addresses various cross-border controversy topics and features insights from EY professionals from around the globe.

During this 60-minute webcast, our global panel will discuss the interpretation and application of the OECD’s six-step process for analyzing risk considering recent developments. Topics covered include:

  • New country guidance for transfer pricing
  • Outline targeted risk control reviews
  • Impact on cross-border controversy

After this webcast, individuals will be able to understand:

  • How to navigate trends and developments related to the OECD’s six-step process for analyzing risk
  • New country guidance for transfer pricing


jun. 2024


CPE credits: 1.2

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