Royal Decree 150/2023, of February 28, 2023

The Royal Decree 150/2023, of February 28, 2023 approving the maritime spatial management plans of the five Spanish marine demarcations, was published in the Official State Gazette on March 4, 2023 ("RD").

The approval of the RD is a relevant step in the implementation of offshore wind energy in Spain.

The RD complies with the instruction contained in Royal Decree 363/2017, of April 8, which establishes a framework for maritime spatial planning and ordered the approval of five maritime space management plans, one for each of the Spanish marine demarcations. These plans should serve to ensure the sustainability of human activities at sea, while facilitating the development of maritime sectors, and the achievement of the objectives set for those sectors.

23 03 09 Legal Update - RD 150/2023 POEMs