I am passionate about finding solutions to build a better working world.

Massimo Milcovich

EY EMEIA Tax Accounting and Risk Advisory Services Leader

Tax consultant. Art collector. Soccer lover.

Areas of focus

Massimo leads the Tax Accounting and Risk Advisory Services (TARAS) in the EY EMEIA Region, coordinating 98 countries. He assists international groups in tax advising, tax compliance and tax accounting matters.

In 1994, Massimo began his EY career in audit services where he worked for four years before transferring to corporate tax. He then moved to global compliance and reporting (GCR) services, as part of the TARAS team, before taking on his current role in 2018.

Massimo has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Milan L. Bocconi. He is a qualified accountant and registered auditor.

How Massimo is building a better working world

“I lead the TARAS teams in EY EMEIA with a strong focus on collaboration. This not only helps the teams, but it also helps facilitate cross-service line and subservice line teaming. I encourage EY professionals to leverage their experiences to help clients with all aspects of financial reporting for tax.”

Massimo’s latest thinking

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