Rieko Ueda
Always trying to contribute to the world and people.

Rieko Ueda

EY Japan Sustainability Tax Leader, Tax Technology and Transformation Leader; Partner, Global Compliance & Reporting, Ernst & Young Tax Co.

Optimist. Believer in collaboration and teamwork. World traveler. Mother of three unique kids.

Rieko specializes in consulting to support the establishment of tax governance for domestic and international taxation, the construction and improvement of business processes, and the promotion of tax digital transformation (DX) for Japanese multinational companies.

She has supported the promotion of tax DX and the establishment of tax operations systems for many Japanese multinational companies, including transfer pricing tax advisory services and compliance with the New International Taxation Framework (BEPS 2.0 Project).
She is also involved in advisory services related to tax strategies, such as enhancing ESG-related tax governance and improving transparency by expanding the scope of disclosure, business transformation, tax credits, and utilization of preferential tax treatment.

tax accountant

How Rieko is building a better working world

I have always been conscious of what and how I can contribute to the world and its people.

I believe that one times one will be three or more if you build a strong team. By maximizing the strengths of each individual and multiplying them, our value is maximized. To this end, we will hone our expertise every day and build a network with members with unique expertise..

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