I believe that a strong will is indispensable for achieving dramatic transformation in both our professional and personal lives.

Makoto Enomoto

EY Japan Chief Branding Officer

Leading marketing transformation guided by the principle of “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

EY Japan Chief Branding Officer. As a marketer, I’m directly responsible for strengthening the EY brand as part of the Big 4.

My career has involved both working in a consulting firm and business company. Most recently, I led the marketing transition at a major Japanese electric appliance maker as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

I’m committed to expanding and strengthening lasting relationship with our clients as well as boosting employee motivation and nurturing a sense of pride at work and securing exceptional professionals by further enhancing trust in the EY brand.

Building a better working world

Digital transformation (DX) is sweeping the globe bringing immense change affecting us all. However, Japanese companies have been missing out on the wave of transformation. I’m committed to driving transformation at Japanese companies, so they won’t be left behind and to revitalize the Japanese economy as well as support Japan’s future to build a better working world.

Makoto's latest thinking

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