Eri Maeda
Japanese companies are more competitive internationally when they strengthen their legal functions.

Eri Maeda

Associate Partner, EY Law Co.

Sharpens the competitive edge of Japanese companies with her unique perspective of “law x business” and helps to develop true business legal minds.

Eri Maeda is the Associate Partner of EY Law Co.

In her legal function consulting (LFC) and legal managed services (LMS) work, Eri advises Japanese companies on strengthening their legal functions, particularly in global legal governance and legal risk management, and helps to put various frameworks in place.

Before joining EY Law Co., Eri worked for a major Japanese legal office between 2007 and 2011 and for a major Japanese chemical manufacturer after 2011. In the latter company, her role as a corporate lawyer spanned the company’s legal affairs and business planning divisions and the legal affairs division of an American company acquired by her employer, along with a stint as an executive of an Indian subsidiary. Eri then worked in the legal affairs division of an American pharmaceutical and consumer goods manufacturer before becoming Lead Legal Counsel at EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd. from July to December 2021. She also has over ten years of business experience in the private sector. She assumed her role as director at EY Law Co. in January 2022.
Eri is registered as a lawyer in Japan and New York State, USA.
She has a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Columbia Law School in the USA and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Building a better working world

In a society that is becoming more and more complex and uncertain, I ask myself every day how I can make a difference and chart my course to live out my motto of “for society, for people.” The growth of both myself and my team is always on my mind as I strive to fulfill EY’s purpose of building a better working world.

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