Press release
20 Jan 2021 

EY Japan’s members rank in three areas of “2020 OUTstanding LGBT+ Role Model Lists”

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EY Japan is pleased to announce that the following three individuals have been selected for the “OUTstanding LGBT+ Role Model Lists”, published annually by INvolve (headquartered in the U.K.).

  • Top 2 in the “100 LGBT+ Executives” list: Moriaki Kida (Regional Chief Operating Officer, EY Japan)
  • Top 15 in the "100 LGBT+ Ally Executives” list: Nancy Ngou (Partner, EY Japan)
  • Top 31 in the “100 LGBT+ Future Leaders” list: Sayato Nakata (Senior Consultant, EY Japan)

The “OUTstanding LGBT+ Role Model Lists” are an initiative to introduce leaders and allies who are driving diversity and change in business through LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace.

Moriaki Kida, who was selected top 2 in the “100 LGBT+ Executives” list, was ranked for the third time in recognition of his wide-ranging activities both within and outside the company, such as making proposals at the 2020 “Marriage-For-All Diet”, an internal meeting of the House of Representatives organized by the general incorporated association Marriage For All Japan. Kida commented his selection as follows.

“I am very proud that three members of EY Japan have been selected for the lists. We are living in increasingly complicated times, with the future being difficult to predict. To create an era in which young people leading the next generation can believe in themselves and have their own dreams and hopes for the future, I will continue to do all I can to realize a diverse and inclusive society, and put EY's purpose of building a better working world into practice.”

Nancy Ngou, ranked top 15 in the “100 LGBT+ Ally Executives” list, was recognized for her active support of LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace, including the creation of a company-wide e-learning program based on stories shared by her LGBT+ colleagues. Ngou states,

“I am very honored to have been selected as an ally. I owe this great honor to my LGBT+ peers and LGBT+ role models who have put so much trust in me. I am also grateful for my encounters with courageous people who have inspired me, and hope to continue to contribute to the society as an ally.”

Sayato Nakata, ranked top 31 in the "100 LGBT+ Future Leaders" list, was recognized for his leadership of Unity Japan, one of EY Japan's LGBT+ Employee Resources Groups (ERGs). He reached out to all levels of the company to accelerate EY Japan's LGBT+ inclusion efforts. Nakata's comments are as follows.

“I am very proud to have been selected. I believe that an organization that is able to respect a variety of differences and values will be flexible and strong enough to cope with any changes it is presented with. I would be happy to continue to work with everyone to build a better working world where LGBT+ people are considered something normal, without the need to be said as "outstanding."


EY Japan has positioned D&I (Diversity & Inclusiveness) as a business strategy, and will continue to concentrate forces on creating an environment where diverse members with various backgrounds can play an active role in their own ways, and on promoting D&I through business and social contribution activities.


See the links below for details.

100 LGBT+ Executives

100 LGBT+ Ally Executives 
2020 Top 50 Ally Executives – INvolve OUTstanding (

100 LGBT+ Future Leaders
2020 Top 100 LGBT+ Future Leaders – INvolve OUTstanding (


*INvolve is a global network and consultancy championing diversity and inclusion in business. Through the delivery of events, programs, thought leadership and advisory solutions, INvolve helps firms drive cultural change and create inclusive workplaces where any individual can succeed.

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*This is a translation of the EY Japan press release in Japanese issued on 20 January 2021 (local time). Should the Japanese original version and the translation differ, the Japanese version shall prevail.


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