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But the multiple award-winner has had lows, too, including injuries, difficulty accessing coaching resources, and being overlooked in some qualifiers.
For Nagasu, who began competing aged six, learning to accept the bad with the good was a challenge, and her well-being suffered.
“Growing up, I saw many role models lead a perfect career. Once I got into the limelight, I felt I was always making mistakes, which was really hard for me to navigate,” she says, adding that skaters tend to get “a lot of their value and self-worth” from their results, despite the sport being very subjective.
Now she hopes that sharing her experiences with the young skaters she coaches and listening to their concerns can help them “become great human beings and future leaders,” she says. “There is something magical and relatable in being imperfect. By talking about my vulnerable moments, I feel better, and I want to help others as well.”
Indeed, talking out issues and having a sounding board is a crucial way to foster well-being, according to the Wellness Council of America. And Nagasu goes one step further by encouraging the young skaters to show empathy and kindness to themselves.
It is a practice she has been inspired to do more since joining WABN, which helps women athletes transition into a second or dual career in business by providing mentoring, peer support, and upskilling.
“It has been a seven-year transition [from competitive skating], and I’m still questioning my choices all the time,” she says. The Olympics was such a sure-footed route, and I still haven’t found something else to commit to in the same way, but WABN has shown me that’s OK, which has been extremely helpful for my mental well-being.”