EY CAFTA Case Championship 2024: Mega Edition

CAFTA has launched 8th edition of its pan-India case study competition to engage undergraduate and postgraduate students and provide them with an outlet to explore this differentiated method of learning. It is a national level finance and treasury case study competition organized for college students across India.

Cafta 2024

Theme for this edition is Financial Innovation Challenge: Setting up of treasury office

The EY CAFTA Case Championship covers a diverse range of subjects, each with its own set of case questions. This variety ensures participants are exposed to numerous challenges, allowing them to explore different industry aspects. It also provides a platform for students to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. 

It must be noted that the case championship has different subjects and case questions for students. Refer to the respective sections below for details on the registration process, topics, dates, and submission process.

  • Duration: 60 minutes

    Number of questions: 30

    Format: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

    Note: Non-participation in the quiz will lead to disqualification. If you are participating in a team of two or three, it is mandatory for both the participants to appear for quiz.


Cafta 2024
Cafta 2024

EY Trainers

Kriya Bhansali

Kriya Bhansali

Abhishek Anand

Abhishek Anand

Nushad Irani

Nushad Irani

Nisha T Bist

Nisha T Bist

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