Change is the new constant for the finance function. Companies are getting disrupted due to shifts in accounting, regulatory and technology spheres. Our aim is to work with companies to manage the change effectively.

Jigar Parikh

EY India Financial Accounting Advisory Services Partner

Knowledge-driven about the business and reporting implications of regulations and Ind-AS

Jigar Parikh is a Partner in Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) at EY in the India region. He specializes in Indian GAAP, Ind AS and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Jigar has over 18 years of experience in
providing various assurance and advisory related services to various industry segments such as manufacturing, power, consumer product and retail, real estate, infrastructure and software services. He has served several global and Indian clients in matters relating to international listings, multi-GAAP reporting, cross-border listings and accounting advisory.

He is a Chartered Accountant and holds Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Mumbai University.


How Jigar is building a better working world

"I provide value-added insights to clients on accounting changes and regulatory requirements. I also assist stakeholders in managing capital agenda and improving their finance functions’ effectiveness. This enables them to manage their compliances, growth and guides them in adopting the best practices in finance, to make them future ready."

Jigar latest thinking

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