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myDATA | extension to the e-transportation documents go live

The joint Decision Α.1174/2024 (ΦΕΚ Β' 6568/29-11-2024) of the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance and the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) amended the Decision A.1122/2024 for the scope, the timeline of transmission, as well as the implementation of the digital issuance of e-transportation documents. 

►  According to the joint press release issued by the Ministry of Economy & Finance and IAPR, as well as the Decision A.1174/2024, the activation of the digital transportation documents is extended.

►  The first phase of implementation of the goods’ digital monitoring is mandatory as of April 1st 2025 and the second phase as of October 1st 2025 onwards.

► The exceptions from the issuance of transportation documents provided in Circular 1003/2014 are gradually abolished by 30.09.2025.

► The business specifications’ analysis of the process for the digital monitoring of the transportation of goods is expected to be released on the website of IAPR.

► According to the above joint press release, in the immediate future, the framework of penalties for the goods’ transportation without the issuance of appropriate documents is expected to be tightened, with a tenfold increase in the related fines. Specifically, the fines are expected to rise to: 

  •  five thousand (5.000) euros for those obliged to maintain a single-entry accounting system, and 
  •  ten thousand (10.000) euros for those obliged to maintain a double-entry accounting system.
summary table

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