EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Limited is a Swiss company with registered seats in Switzerland providing services to clients in Switzerland.
How EY can help
A political conceptual agreement was reached for a new world tax regime. A substantial majority in the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework has agreed to a fundamental reform of international tax law. EY will support you in implementing the requirements of the BEPS 2.0 project.
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The EY GloBE connected technology suite helps clients navigate the BEPS Pillar Two journey and prepare them for the future. Learn more.
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EY GloBE Engine is a cloud-based, scalable and ERP-agnostic solution designed to support you through your BEPS 2.0 Pillar Two journey. Learn more.
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2. Local QDMTT/IIR/UTPR returns
The operation of tax return filing and payment obligation rules is left to the determination of each implementing jurisdiction and is generally expected to be in line with those currently required under that jurisdiction’s existing tax filing and payment procedures. While most jurisdictions follow the GIR filing deadlines also for QDMTT, IIR und UTPR returns, in some jurisdictions a fiscal year 2024 QDMTT return must already be filed in Q3 of calendar year 2025 (e.g., Belgium).
In Switzerland, CEs being part of an MNE subject to the GloBE tax rules will be required to file a QDMTT return. The return will include all the relevant data of all Swiss CEs of the MNE (that are not part of a separate sub-group for GloBE legal entity classification reasons). The first year QDMTT return is to be filed by the lead entity via OMTax by 30 June 2026 (for calendar year MNEs) at the latest. For subsequent filing years, the filing due date will be 31 March. The assessment of the return filed by the lead entity will be performed by the tax administration of the lead canton, which is the canton in which the lead entity is tax resident. Any top-up tax is due on the date of the filing deadline of the return. Based on the Swiss Minimum Tax Ordinance, any top-up tax burden resulting from the QDMTT assessment must be re-charged to the Swiss legal entities contributing to the top-up tax burden.
With the introduction of the IIR in Switzerland as of 1 January 2025, an IIR return will be needed to be filed by the lead CE in Switzerland covering the relevant data from jurisdictions where Switzerland has IIR taxing rights. The IIR return will also be filed via OMTax with equivalent filing deadlines as the QDMTT return.
UTPR return only becomes relevant once Switzerland introduces UTPR, while the compliance procedures are likely following the procedures for the QDMTT return as well as the IIR return.
3. GloBE Information Return
Each CE located in a GloBE implementing jurisdiction is required to file a GIR on an annual basis. CEs could be discharged from the requirement if a central GIR filing (through the UPE or a designated filing entity) and an exchange of information framework are available. The GIR should be filed no later than 15 months after the last day of the reporting fiscal year. For the first year that GloBE is in effect, the return is due no later than 18 months after the last day of the reporting fiscal year.
It is thus far not yet fully clear whether a GIR filing will be possible in Switzerland for the tax year 2024, given that Switzerland will only introduce IIR as of 1 January 2025. However, with the development and availability of technical infrastructure to support the submission of the GIR in Switzerland in the first half of the calendar year 2026 and the implementation of the legal framework for exchange of information, the possibility of such GIR filing can be assumed. The GIR filing will be handled through a different platform than OMTax.
4. Local notification of central GIR filings
When the central GIR filing option applies, each CE discharged from the requirement to file a GIR (or a designated filing entity) would need to notify the tax administration of the identity of the entity that is filing the GIR and the jurisdiction in which it is located. Such notification needs to be filed annually per jurisdiction and its timing for filing is aligned with the timing for filing the GIR.
For Switzerland, no further guidance in this regard has been published yet.