Why a mindset shift matters for implementing circular economy

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Helen Burdett, Head of Technology Strategy at the World Economic Forum, talks about circular economy as a vision for the future.

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Circular economy reimagines the linear economy in which we live. It’s a pervasive systems approach that is broader than reduce, reuse and recycle. As a concept and set of principles, circular economy brings immense economic and resiliency opportunities.

While there has been a proliferation of circular roadmaps at a national level for countries around the world, the question remains: How do we ensure an absolute and effective shift of the system to get to this new reality?

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Helen Burdett from the World Economic Forum (WEF) talks to our host Mitali Sharma about how circular approaches are redesigning the way our economy works, the importance of design and global collaboration in circular economy and the initiatives being undertaken by global organizations like WEF to promote circularity in an inclusive manner.

Key takeaways:

  • Circular economy is redesigning the way linear economy works by keeping all the materials that are currently circulating in use and even pulling from sources that weren’t thought of before.
  • Circular approaches generally require change in systems and technology, which makes them hard to implement. Thus, a mindset shift of leaders and implementers is imperative.
  • Design plays a critical role in circular economy. Some of the largest jewellers have set ambitious targets for using circular designs and materials. Many electronic companies are working toward the roadmap for circular electronics with design as a core element.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Photographic portrait of Helen Burdett
Helen Burdett
Head, Technology Strategy, World Economic Forum


Episode 17

Duration 29m 00s

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In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

Why a mindset shift matters for implementing circular economy

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Helen Burdett, Head of Technology Strategy at the World Economic Forum, talks about circular economy as a vision for the future.

Episode 17

29m 00s

How one startup is progressing toward commercialized nuclear fusion

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Scott Krisiloff shares Helion Energy’s journey so far in creating electricity from nuclear fusion and the subsequent plans to commercialize this form of energy.

Episode 16

24m 51s

How high-pressure water stored underground may reshape energy storage

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast, Quidnet Energy CEO Joe Zhou discusses the use of innovative geomechanical methods and its impact on the global energy industry.

Episode 15

25m 56s

How the metaverse is planning to augment reality — not replace it

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Mathieu Nouzareth explains how a community-driven platform is shaping the future of the metaverse.

Episode 14

25m 44s

What Industry 4.0 is all about: the progression from 1.0 to 4.0

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Ajay Khaladkar discusses how the institute is helping companies transition to Industry 4.0.

Episode 13

32m 47s

How Z-pinch could be the way ahead for fusion and clean energy

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, Ryan Umstattd, VP of Product Development at Zap Energy, talks about the future of clean energy production through efficient fusion techniques.

Episode 12

41m 23s

Why advanced nuclear energy should be part of the climate solution

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast, Judi Greenwald, the Executive Director of Nuclear Innovation Alliance, shares her journey and insights on advanced nuclear power.

Episode 8

57m 16s


Judi Greenwald

Executive Director, Nuclear Innovation Alliance

Why fusion is the holy grail for clean energy generation

In the second episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, General Fusion CEO Greg Twinney talks about why fusion is the most sustainable approach to clean energy production.

Episode 2

15m 21s


Greg Twinney

CEO, General Fusion