Institutions must adopt an innovation mindset to better manage risk, fulfil social license expectations, and ultimately bring commercial success.

Douglas Nixon

EY Regional Banking and Capital Markets Leader, Oceania

Passionate about financial services and the power of the EY organization. Husband and father.

Douglas is responsible for EY’s services in the Banking and Capital Markets sector in Oceania, and for connecting EY’s consulting services in Banking and Capital Markets across the Asia-Pacific region.

With more than 20 years’ experience, Douglas has served as an advisor to some of EY’s largest financial services clients on topics including risk management, financial markets, regulatory, capital and technology programs and transactions. Douglas has worked extensively across the European, American, and Asia-Pacific markets.

Douglas holds an MBA from Columbia Business School, a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance from the Securities Institute of Australia, and a Bachelor of Commerce from Curtin University.

How Douglas is building a better working world

"By bringing together insights from across the globe, a diverse set of skills and backgrounds, the best talent and the latest technology, we are helping build a better financial services industry."

Our latest thinking

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