ey eoy nz finalist Sophie cooper
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Sophie Cooper

Finalist - EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 New Zealand

Eight months pregnant and on the verge of taking maternity leave, Sophie Cooper decided that rather than count down to the baby’s arrival, she’d take the risk of acquiring a soap manufacturing business. This bold step marked the inception of Anihana, born from a blend of personal transformation and entrepreneurial spirit. As well as the challenges of starting a business, she also had to balance the demands of a newborn and postnatal depression. Yet, her resilience and dedication shaped the successful business she runs today.

Anihana is deeply rooted in the values of te ao Māori, reflecting a profound connection to family, land and sustainability. The company’s mission extends beyond simple commerce to embody a philosophy of nurturing both people and the planet. Under Sophie’s leadership, Anihana has championed sustainable self-care products that prioritise mental health and environmental conservation. This commitment is showcased through its innovative, water-free products and home-compostable packaging, which ensure zero waste to landfill, encapsulating the vision of creating “happy people, happy planet.”

Sophie’s strategic acumen has propelled Anihana from a modest local enterprise to a business across global markets. It now has a presence in over 8,000 stores across New Zealand, Australia, and the USA. However, Sophie’s impact through Anihana extends beyond market success. Her business aligns with several United Nations sustainable development goals, from advocating for mental health and wellbeing within its workforce, to striving for carbon neutrality by 2027.

Looking ahead, Sophie is focused on deepening Anihana’s international footprint, particularly in the USA, and reinforcing its status as a leader in sustainable personal care. Her vision to “create 100 million smiles” by FY28 continues to drive Anihana towards a future where business success and social responsibility go hand in hand.