3 minute read 4 Apr 2024
Sustainable value chain for businesses

How ESG helps in sustainable value chain development for businesses

By Sayooj Thekkevariath

Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS), EY India

With close to two decades of experience, Sayooj has a proven track record in delivering Climate Change and Sustainability services across global, national corporates and multilateral agencies.

3 minute read 4 Apr 2024

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  • Sustainable synergy: embedding ESG in modern value chains

ESG-driven value chain transformation has a strategic and long-term impact on businesses.

The linear trajectory of global value chains, once focused solely on efficient product delivery, is undergoing a significant transformation. This metamorphosis is driven by the increasingly prominent integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. These principles are not merely integrated into the value chain as decorative embellishments; they are becoming foundational threads, intricately woven into the very fabric of business operations.

This shift is fueled by a multitude of compelling forces. Growing consumer consciousness and evolving stakeholder expectations have placed environmental and social responsibility at the forefront of corporate priorities. Simultaneously, regulatory landscapes are adapting, enforcing stricter norms around environmental protection, ethical labor practices, and robust governance. Technological advancements such as AI and data analytics are further empowering companies to track their impacts, measure progress, and implement sustainable practices with greater efficiency and transparency.

Beyond ethical considerations, integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance principles in business unlocks tangible economic benefits. Reduced waste, optimized resource usage, and empowered workforces contribute to enhanced operational efficiency and cost savings. Additionally, aligning ESG and sustainable business practices strengthen brand reputation, attracting and retaining top talent, and fostering investor confidence.

The transformative shift in global value chains towards Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is substantiated by a recent survey conducted by EY among supply partners covering 50 businesses. Notably, 93% of respondents in the survey prioritize human rights and safety, reflecting a broader ESG objective that extends beyond environmental considerations. The survey also unveiled a remarkable awareness level, with 88% of participants being familiar with ESG standards and frameworks.

While challenges exist, such as navigating complex regulations and aligning diverse stakeholder interests, the long-term economic benefits of ESG integration in value chains are undeniable. Industry leaders who adapt and seize this opportunity will be best positioned to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape, shaping a more sustainable and prosperous future for themselves and society as a whole. 

EY ESG Compass

EY ESG Compass is a comprehensive digital ecosystem that seeks to help organizations evaluate their ESG maturity levels and adapt a sector-specific strategy, using the power of analytics.

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By transforming their value chains into sustainable ecosystems, industry leaders can unlock significant economic benefits while addressing sustainability challenges through strategic planning and collaborative action. This proactive approach will position them as leaders in a rapidly evolving landscape, shaping a more sustainable and responsible future for their businesses and the global community.

About this article

By Sayooj Thekkevariath

Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS), EY India

With close to two decades of experience, Sayooj has a proven track record in delivering Climate Change and Sustainability services across global, national corporates and multilateral agencies.