EY se refiere a la organización global, y puede referirse a una o más, de las firmas miembro de Ernst & Young Global Limited, cada una de las cuales es una entidad legal independiente. Ernst & Young Global Limited, una compañía británica limitada por garantía, no brinda servicios a los clientes.
Cómo EY puede ayudar
Mapping out the opportunities for 2024
It’s against this background that we’ve explored the opportunities for tech companies in 2024. Our overarching finding? AI tools can be applied to virtually every operational activity, including supply chain optimization, automation, risk management, customer alignment and new business development.
In compiling our list of the top 10 opportunities, we’ve looked to provide a balanced view of the potential actions for tech companies across various operational processes and different subsectors. By moving decisively to seize these opportunities, tech companies will enable themselves to focus on what they do best: innovating, developing breakthrough technologies and bringing new service offerings to market.