How can business bridge financial and sustainability reporting to drive value?

Excellence in Integrated Reporting

This year marks 13 years of our integrated reporting awards and a total 27 years since its 1998 inception as ‘Excellence in Financial Reporting’.

Excellence in Integrated Reporting 2024 Report

EY is committed to continue the quest for excellence in integrated reporting. We hope that companies will be both inspired and encouraged by those who have set the bar high to improve the quality of their integrated reports.

Download the Report

27 Years of Recognising Excellence in Integrated Reporting

It is with great pleasure that we congratulate Nedbank Group Ltd on achieving first place in our 2024 awards for the third consecutive year.

As detailed in the report, which can be downloaded on this page, the judges noted Nedbank’s report for its clear focus on value creation and strategy. The layout is user-friendly, and the report effectively employs infographics to summarise complex information into easily understandable visuals. The introductory section adeptly sets the scene, outlining the group’s purpose, vision, values, strategy, and targets.

The judges were particularly impressed with the infographic that illustrates the value Nedbank aims to generate for its stakeholders. The group’s material matters are presented with rich context, are forward – looking, and demonstrate a clear connection to strategy, risks and opportunities. The strategic narrative is comprehensive, and the disclosure of strategic trade-offs made to create and protect value is exemplary.

Furthermore, the governance disclosures highlighting key board focus areas and the linkage between board oversight and strategy, are considered best practice.

2024 marks the 13th year of our commitment to the Excellence in Integrated Reporting survey and awards. The survey aims to promote and gauge excellence in integrated reporting, providing investors and other stakeholders with a comprehensive view of performance in South Africa's listed company sector. Over time, it has become evident that standalone financial statements do not fully capture the narrative of a company’s performance.

The 2024 Top 10 Reports

Meet the Judges

Since 2010, all companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) have been required to produce an integrated report in line with King III. This requirement has been carried forward to King IV, effective for financial years commencing on or after 1 April 2017. In addition, the JSE requires application and disclosure of King IV in any report lodged with them after 1 October 2017. EY has been commissioning the Excellence in Integrated Reporting survey for the last 13 years in order to encourage excellence in the quality of integrated reporting to investors and other stakeholders by South Africa’s top companies. 

We are joined on this critical journey by the University of Cape Town’s College of Accounting, as we track and evaluate the efforts by the Top 100 JSE listed companies to explain the value that they create over the short, medium and long-term. This survey is made possible by the continued involvement and dedicated efforts of our adjudicators:

Mark Graham
Emeritus Associate Professor, University of Cape Town
Alexandra Watson
Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town, independent non-executive director
Goolam Modack
Associate Professor, University of Cape Town

We congratulate Redefine Properties and ABSA Group on achieving second and third place respectively; and our congratulations are extended to all the entities included in the Top 10 for their outstanding reports. We commend the entities that achieved the rankings of “Excellent” and “Good” for their efforts and the examples they have set. 

Find out more about the Annual Survey and Awards

Frequently Asked Questions

Previous Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards

Excellence in Intergrated Reporting Workshop 2024, access here.

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