Financial and integrated reporting have the potential to speak to the needs of each stakeholder.

Abigail Paulus

Corporate Reporting Services, EY

Making a difference. Transformation Leader. Quality builder whose focus is that of producing high-quality financial reporting and providing insightful professional advice.

Current role and career

With more than 15 years’ experience in IFRS matters at EY, Abigail serves as the EY Africa IFRS Desk Associate Partner.

Abigail aims to make a difference in asking better questions of our teams and clients when it comes to quality reporting – financial, IFRS and other.

She was an attendee and presenter at EY’s 2019 Global IFRS conference in Lisbon. IFRS reviewer for large listed retail and consumer product clients

Abigail has an Honors degree in Accounting from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

How is Abigail building better working world

I consider my role at EY to be building a better world, one IFRS discussion at a time and making a difference by strengthen IFRS quality for our teams, our clients and our capital markets globally.

Abigail's latest thinking