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To give these measures a boost, it would be helpful to increase the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Training Allowance amount that learners can receive when they are on full-time or part-time training. These allowances, currently set at S$3,000 a month and S$300 a month for those on full-time training and part-time training respectively, may be considered low for experienced workers. This may have little influence in motivating them to embark on a true reboot of their skills to remain relevant in the future.
Further, increasing the dependency ratio ceiling for companies that demonstrate a strong appetite to hire and upskill local mature and senior workers would encourage more organizations to adopt more age-friendly workplace practices. It would also help uplift the employability and livelihoods of mature and senior workers.
Re-skilling and upskilling are vital for SMEs and workers to develop future-ready capabilities that would allow them to thrive in the ever-evolving business environment. As the saying goes, “The devil is in the details.” It is with much excitement that we anticipate the details of the Budget 2025 proposals in the coming weeks and see the wheels of active adoption in motion.
This article was first featured in The Business Times on 4 March 2025.