The EY Partner Ecosystem: our strategic relationships and alliances

EY teams collaborate, co-create and innovate with our category-leading organizations to drive transformation, performance and growth.

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The pace of change has never been faster, the need for resiliency has never been more critical and embracing transformation has never been more vital. 

At EY, we know that these challenges are difficult for a single organization to deal with on its own. That’s why EY teams work with an ecosystem of partners, including global strategic alliances, to provide the right technology, capabilities and insights to help clients create long-term value and transform at speed and scale. 

By combining EY business knowledge with ecosystem partner technology and assets, EY teams offer innovative cloud-based platform solutions  that help optimize business processes and reimagine entire business functions. Together, we help address EY clients' toughest problems and help them outpace the market.

The future will belong to those companies that weave ecosystem relationships into the fabric of how they create value.
Greg Sarafin
EY Global Alliance and Ecosystem Leader

The EY Partner Ecosystem

One or more member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited participate in alliances or ecosystem relationships with the following companies:

EY Partner Ecosystem Awards and Recognition

EY is proud to be recognized for the transformative value we help our clients realize.


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Nurse assisting surgeon with mounting augmented reality holographic

Case study: How a collaboration unleashed areas of impact for Hololens 2 in healthcare

EY teams, Microsoft and Region Skåne collaborated on a project to study the potential of mixed reality smart glasses in Swedish healthcare.

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Asian woman looking up and admiring the hanging chinese lanterns

EY Think Ecosystem podcast

The EY Think Ecosystem podcast series explores the intersection of technology, collaboration and innovation.

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