How is Generative AI transforming ESG strategies of companies?

How is Generative AI transforming ESG strategies of companies?

Generative AI has the potential to offer transformation opportunities to businesses on their sustainability journey. From ESG reporting to ensuring compliance, from attaining operational efficiencies to gaining relevant insights, Generative AI can help companies chart out a roadmap that is aligned with their ESG ambitions.

In the fifth episode of our ‘Generative AI’ podcast series, we discuss the transformative influence of Generative AI on companies' ESG strategies with Alexy Thomas, Partner, Technology Consulting, EY India. We explore how Generative AI, with its proficiency in processing diverse data, is revolutionizing ESG initiatives, including  helping manage emissions, net zero goals, and navigating complex regulations. 

In conversation with:

Alexy Thomas
EY India Technology Consulting Partner

Key takeaways

  • Generative AI's ability to analyze enormous volumes of data is transforming ESG strategies, enabling precise insights for sustainability decisions.
  • With foundation models that are fine-tuned to ESG contexts, organizations can focus on shaping them to specific sectors or use cases, such as emissions management and navigating diverse regulations.
  • Generative AI acts as a guiding force, aiding companies in achieving net zero goals and optimizing supply chains.
  • Generative AI tools need to be trained on accurate data to avoid skewed or biased results.
Generative AI, with its ability to analyze and interpret data, apply logical rules and constraints, and infer new knowledge from existing knowledge, which is a key component to emerging ESG solutions.
Alexy Thomas
Partner, Technology Consulting, EY India

For your convenience, a full-text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript

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Duration 07m 32s

In this series

(Event List - Manual)

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Cybersecurity in the age of Generative AI: Solving the ethical dilemma

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In our first episode of ‘Generative AI unplugged’ podcast series, we speak to Alpana Dutta, EY EMEIA Culture and People Experience Leader on the transformative impact of Generative AI on workforce.
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