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While individual exchange rates may depend on various factors, one underlying common factor would be the way in which the US economy, particularly the US inflation, is likely to behave in relation to the inflation experience of some of these major BRICS+ economies. The use of US Dollar as a global reserve currency may also erode over time. Already, the share of US Dollar as a global reserve currency has fallen from 71.5% in 1Q2000 to 58.2% in 2Q20243.
The importance of BRICS+ group of countries has progressively increased in terms of size of economy4, and their respective shares in global exports and imports of goods. The BRICS+ group is likely both to compete and co-operate with the G7 group for determining world economic and trade policies. Going forward, the importance of individual members of the BRICS+ group and the policies followed by the group itself will play a critical role in determining the economic welfare of the global population. In the context of current geopolitical tensions, the BRICS+ group is making a concerted effort to coordinate their policies which may eventually translate into a reduction in the dominance of a) the US$ as currency of choice for global trade and foreign exchange reserves, b) the use of SWIFT as a global trade platform and c) that of western economies in technological leadership.
The lead of G7 in managing global economic affairs is likely to come into question as the share of the BRICS+ group in global population, world GDP and world trade increases. Given the present trends and the likelihood of several new members joining the BRICS+ group being strong, the share of BRICS+ in global merchandise exports can overtake that of the G7 group by 2026.