With EY Consulting services, we contribute to create a better working world by enabling company Global Business Services (GBS) on operation excellence and as a digital transformation engine.

Steve Au Yeung

EY Greater China Consulting Partner, EY Asia-Pacific Global Business Services Leader

Passionate about helping EY clients reinvent their operations and business model. Enthusiastic to see digitalization and new technologies change the working world.

As EY Asia-Pacific Global Business Services (GBS) Solution Leader, Steve helps EY clients doing global, multifunctional GBS set-ups, delivering the whole bandwidth, end-to-end transformation, from classic shared services to digitalized GBS organizations.

More specifically, Steve brings EY experience and expertise across Asian countries, and offers truly connected teams and services to clients for operating model design and implementation support, assisting client’s GBS to become their transformation engine.

Steve holds an MSc in Information Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

How Steve is building a better working world

Steve focuses on addressing clients’ business issues and helps them achieve business objectives through the Global Business Services transformation. Steve has worked with over 25 clients globally in their transformation journey, and he keeps a strong communication network with market participants to share insights and market trends.

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