CEO agenda

How CEOs juggle transformation priorities – the art of taking back control

EY CEO survey highlights how CEOs consider AI transformation, ESG and M&A to navigate between immediate profits and future sustainability aspirations. Read more.


How to revolutionize the insurance value chain with generative AI 

Prioritizing the right use cases and establishing key capabilities will promote innovation and efficiency across the value chain. Learn more.


How to accelerate your search speed with natural language processing

A managed care company saves hundreds of hours in compliance verification with a new, AI-enabled database. Learn more in this case study.

15 May 2024


How Microsoft built a new mobility model for cross-border talent

Learn how professionals from EY and Microsoft challenged old assumptions about workforce mobility, creating a forward-thinking and data-rich platform.

14 May 2024

Transformation Realized™

Helping you realize your transformation through the power of people, technology and innovation.

Reframe your future

Discover the technology insights and solutions to help you reveal and realize unseen opportunities.

The EY 7 Drivers of Growth

For over 30 years, we’ve been learning from and advising the world’s fastest-growing entrepreneurs and private companies through the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ award program. 

We've harnessed that 30 years of insight to develop the EY 7 Drivers of Growth. It’s how we help all businesses with high-growth aspirations successfully execute their ambitious growth strategies over the long term.

Man pruning trees