A man with a backpack standing on a rock in the forest at sunset

Bridging Business and Nature: The Role of CSRD

We will explore how companies can start their nature positive journey by assessing their nature impacts and dependencies in accordance with CSRD and TNFD.

In the webcast we will discuss:

  • The benefits to businesses of assessing and addressing their nature interactions
  • How frameworks such as CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure) and SBTN (Science Based Targets for Nature) relate to and complement one another
  • How a company can initiate their nature positive journey
  • What best-practice companies are doing to assess their nature footprints and reduce their impacts
  • How EY can support businesses in their nature transitions


May 2023



09.30 - 10.00 your local time

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